

Lift Off

Lift Off
At the end of June 2017, I successfully installed my latest free-standing sculpture, named 'Lift Off'. Abbehill Footcare in Edinburgh...

Go girls!

Go girls!
Our dear friends, Ming-Hsiang and Cheng-Yi, shot and posted a brilliant video showing the Yosifu Gallery, ahead of the exhibition...

Taipei artists’ village

Taipei artists’ village
This is where I hope to be staying in Taipei next month: Why don’t we have an artist village...


Today marks the end of my indiegogo campaign and I want to thank every one of you for sharing, donating and...

Miniature Is Beautiful

Miniature Is Beautiful
Yosifu and other Taiwanese friends have encouraged me to make a series of miniatures, especially for my show in Taipei...

Found in Translation

Found in Translation
This site has just been translated into Chinese, for the Taiwanese audience, with thanks to Ming-Hsiang and Cheng-Yi. All new stories...

Stunning Orchids

Stunning Orchids
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) has an important research partnership with Taiwan. We visited this week to see the...


I have a new Pinterest page! It’s a great place for keeping all of my interesting images, ideas and influences....

Exhibition: Taipei preview

Exhibition: Taipei preview
In the run up to the Taipei exhibition, I decided to have a preview exhibition in Edinburgh in the Dundas...

Announcing exhibition in Taiwan

Announcing exhibition in Taiwan
Announcing an exhibition of innovative work by Scottish artist Andy McIntosh at The Yosifu Contemporary Art Gallery in Taipei City,...

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